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Clothing Care Tip # 1



Clothing Care Tip # 2


Don't wear  'good' clothes 

when brushing your teeth


Tooth pastes,especially ones that promise to

brighten your smile,contain bleaches that not

only remove stains from your teeth,but can remove color from your garments!  Often you'll

think the 'white spot ' is a surface mark only to find out after cleaning or laundering that the dye was disturbed and the spot is permanent.


Remove the plastic covering your

garment as soon as you get home.


The plastic cover we place over your cleaned garment is NOT suitable for long term storage. Its sole purpose is to protect the garments from the elements and mishaps on the way home.


Leaving our plastic covering on the garment for any extended period of time could cause trapped moisture, staining and fiber deterioration.


If you want to protect the garment form dust and airborne particulate, cut a hole in a clean, unbleached

sheet and drape it over the item.



Clothing Care Tip # 3


Gently remove excess. 

Don't rub blot, and avoid the

temptation to try a "home remedy"


Accidents happen, but they don't have to cause irrepairable harm to your garment.

If you follow the simple steps we've outlined, and bring the freshly stained garment in for prompt corrective action, your clothing should rescued to be worn another day.



                                           Care Label Symbols


Some garments labeled as "Dryclean only" according to the Care Labeling Regulation (16 CFR 423) are being damaged through dry cleaning process. Why should this be? The damage is the result of the improper labeling by the manufacture of the garment. The Care Labeling Regulations require manufactures to "PRETEST" a garment to ensure that the label represents appropriate care for the garment. According to the information provided to the subcommittee, it appears that some manufacturers are not adequately "PRETESTING" and appropriately labeling garments. When a label states "Dryclean" or "Professionally Dryclean" and damage had occurred, then label "Dryclean" is improperly used, and therefore the garment should be return to the store where it was purchased. This represents the mislabeling by the manufacturers and negligence of ther part to correctly "PRETEST" the garment, and therefore is a violation of the Care Labeling Requlation (16 CFR 423)      









































                                            Distributed by:   Textile Industry Affairs





                              Care Label : Frequently Asked Question

What is the Care Labeling Rule?
The Care Labeling Rule was issued by the Federal Trade Commission in 1971 to help consumers with clothing care. The rule states that manufacturers must tag their clothing with at least one safe cleaning method. Beginning July 1, 1997, manufacturers may use certain care symbols in place of words on labels. These symbols and their meanings are explained on the reverse side of this publication. Symbols and their written meaning will be required for eighteen months. After January 1998, only symbols can be used by the manufacturer.

What information is required on the care label?
Care labels for textile wearing apparel must provide either washing or dry cleaning instructions. Only one safe method of care is required to be provided by the manufacturer. The label must also warn you against any procedure that might harm the item during reasonable care. For example, the label must say whether any step of the care method - washing, bleaching, drying, ironing or dry cleaning - could harm the garment or other garments cleaned with it.

Are there any other symbols?
The symbols shown on the reverse side of this publication are approved for use throughout North America. There is not an internationally recognized care label system at the present time. Clothing manufactured in countries outside North America may use different symbols.

Does washable also mean my garment can be dry-cleaned?
Not always. Only one safe method of care has to be listed on the label by the manufacturer. The label does not have to warn about other cleaning methods which might prove unsafe. For example, clothing labeled "washable" may not dry clean well.

What if the care instructions don't work?
If you followed the care instructions on the label and problems result, return it to the store where you bought it. Dyes that run after following the the manufacturer's washing instructions and other problems which result are the responsibility of the manufacturer. The safe cleaning method listed on the care label is, in effect, a care warranty. Ask the store for an exchange or refund. If the store will not help you, ask for the manufacturer's name and address and write directly to the company, describing your problem.

You can also contact the Federal Trade Commission by writing to: Consumer Response Center, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC 20580. Although the FTC cannot resolve individual disputes, the information you provide may indicate a pattern of law violations requiring action by the Commission.


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